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Mission Statement

Mission Statement

Our mission is to foster a lifelong love for learning and reading among our students. We strive to provide a nurturing environment where every child can access a diverse range of learning materials that ignite their curiosity and support their individual educational journey.
Through our collection of books, digital resources, and interactive learning tools, we aim to empower students to explore their interests and pursue independent learning. We emphasize digital citizenship, teaching students responsible and ethical use of technology; preparing them for a connected world.
Central to our mission is cultivating a curious engineering disposition, encouraging students to think critically, solve problems creatively, and embrace challenges with confidence. By integrating STEM-focused literature and hands-on activities, we inspire a passion for exploration and innovation.
Our library serves as a hub for collaboration, exploration, and discovery, where students can develop essential skills for success in school and beyond. We are committed to creating a welcoming space that celebrates diversity, promotes lifelong reading habits, and nurtures a community of lifelong learners.
Anna Mack

library Technology Specialist
Anna Mack
262.392.6310 ext. 26504